Red Apple jury - about their favorite commercials

Arturo Benloch, Creative Director, Leo Burnett Madrid
Guiness: Brothers
This ad was shot before I started to work on advertising. I have to say that it did not made me want to dedicate myself to this, but it could have been perfectly. I discovered it on Shackleton, my first agency, and I always remind it. I cant explain the reasons of why I remind this piece instead of any other, so it has to be meaningful. I lived some time in Ireland an there I knew how important is to serve a Guiness properly. What I never imagined is that there would be such a disruptive, funny and non Irish way to tell it.
Bacifi: If its not for you, its not for you.
Everytime I watch an advertising festival, I'm always looking for something fresh and new. I usually find it ina promo with amazing mechanics as well as tremendously innovative digital campaigns.
What is not easy is to find is a concept that does not resemble anything you have seen before, and here you have. “If its not for you, its not for you” works great in its different executions. And if that were not enough, Bacifi, being a small local customer, become something everyone loves. I always laugh with this campaign, and specially with the “Clowns” execution.
Libresse: Blood
I've never worked for a brand of compresses, and that's why I admire everyone who has, it must be tremendously difficult.
I also have to say that I have never seen an ad of compresses that seemed memorable, until this. I still remember how the Cannes Palais was crowding when the agency won their gold lion. They really deserved it. “Blood” for Libresse thrills me by how brutally honest it is.
What do changes mean to you?
- Changes must be a constant in most aspects of my life. If I'm not changing something from time to time, then I'm doing it wrong. Routine leads me to boredom, and I know myself when I ́m bored: I become worse in everything, at work and as a person.
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