Red Apple 2014 learning program – beyond advertising, aiming for inspiration!

Red Apple 2014 learning program – beyond advertising, aiming for inspiration!

In September, 18-19, in Digital October the holders of almost 100 Cannes Lions will gather together to perform with the series of lectures within the Learning Program of the International Advertising Festival. Apart from that, as it was already announced, the Festival's organisers decided to go beyond advertising industry and invite people who know how to create something in this world, except for advertising.

"In terms of the format, we want it to be more interactive and start actively working with the audience, so that the speakers would not just come there and read their presentations but would really communicate with those, who listen to them, in the format of Q&A and panel discussions" - said Valentin Smolyakov, the CEO of the IAF Red Apple.  

This year's Festival is the cycle of changes and the most independent platform for the large-scale creative communication. That's why the focus will be on creativity in global scale.

Within the Red Apple 2014:

- Andrey Boltenko, the production director and screen writer of the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi will talk about the creation of the world's biggest show this year

- Sergey Kapkov, the Head of the Department of Culture of Moscow, together with the journalist Andrey Kolesnikov will raise the issue of the Cultural Codes of the Capital

- The writer and publicist Tatiana Tolstaya, the linguist Maksim Krongauz and the researcher in field of social communications Anton Gumenskiy will try to find out whether social networks will eventually destroy the art of storytelling - "Social Media VS Storytelling"

- The director Ivan Petukhov will reveal all the secrets of how to shoot Uma Thurman

- Oleg Nesterov will ponder over what happens to rejected ideas.

The Festival's speakers also include: Maksim Kashulinskiy, Pavel Kaplevich, Demian Kudryavtsev, Nairi Simonyan, Valeriy Panyushkin, Maria Zaharova, Aidan Salakhova, Leonid Feigin, Stas Zhitskiy and many more, whom you can find on the official website of the Learning Program -

There are more ticket opportunities available this year. For instance, non-Moscow students can attend the Festival for free, and the students of the Moscow universities can buy tickets at a twice cheaper price. There is also a special discount category called "Young Apples", which is aimed at people who are younger than 28 years old. More detailed information is available on the Learning Program website.

International Advertising Festival Red Apple

September, 18-19, Digital October


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