Международное жюри определило состав шорт-листа Creative

05 Декабря 2020

4 декабря по итогам заключительного этапа голосования были отобраны кейсы, вошедшие в шорт-лист креативного направления юбилейного Международного фестиваля рекламы Red Apple 2020. Также был сформирован список претендентов на призовые места в специальном конкурсном блоке Best in Instagram. 

Среди участников, включенных в шорт листы:


TV / Cinema Advertising: Sectors 

  • Proximity Russia: Ad that you can feel by skin (Other FMCG)
  • Voskhod: Moving In (Retail & Consumer Services)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow: Fussy kids (Healthcare)
  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Retail & Consumer Services)
  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Dich by Ivan Dorn) (Non-profit)
  • Marvelous: The Choice (Non-profit)

TV / Cinema Advertising Craft 

  • Voskhod: Moving In (Best Direction)
  • Zebra Hero: Police Cartoons (Best Script)
  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Dich by Ivan Dorn) (Best Music)
  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Best Music)
  • Voskhod: All At Once (Best Music)


Communication Design 

  • Terminal design branding agency: Kurnaya izba (Corporate Identity)
  • Suprematika: Warm bread and in bed (Corporate Identity)
  • f61agency: Pure Sense (Corporate Identity)
  • Suprematika: Pipndrop  (Corporate Identity)

Digital Design 

  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Digital and Interactive Design)
  • Skillbox: The lines of fate | Линии судьбы (Digital and Interactive Design)
  • Art. Lebedev Studio: Website of the legendary Russian rock band Aquarium (Digital and Interactive Design)
  • Voskhod: Trip In The Dark (Digital and Interactive Design)
  • Instinct: IKEA BLANKET FORTS (Digital and Interactive Design)

Label and Packaging 

  • Depot branding agency: Milgrad (Drinks)
  • Terminal design branding agency: Kurnaya izba (Food Products)
  • KINGBEE: ORTHODOX Vodka (Drinks)
  • OTVETDESIGN: Packaging for a new lineup of grains by Polezzno. (Food Products)
  • f61agency: Pure Sense (Other FMCG & Consumer Durables)
  • PromoAge Communication Agency: Places of Power (Retail & Consumer Services)

Social & Influencer 

Influencer and Content Marketing 

  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Reach & Impact)
  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Partnerships)
  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Partnerships)
  • Zebra Hero: Police Cartoons (Social Video)
  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Dich by Ivan Dorn) (Social Video)
  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Social Video)
  • Zebra Hero: Police Cartoons (Local / Single-market Campaign)
  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Local / Single-market Campaign)
  • BBDO Moscow: Snickers Crisper Fest (Local / Single-market Campaign)
  • Instinct: IKEA BLANKET FORTS (Local / Single-market Campaign)
  • Instinct: IKEA BLANKET FORTS (Reach & Impact)
  • BBDO Moscow: Open Source Pizza (Content Placement)
  • PromoAge Communication Agency: Places of Power (Content Placement)
  • Marvelous: The Choice (Social Video)
  • Instinct: IKEA BLANKET FORTS (Co-creation & User Generated Content)

Social & Influencer: Sectors 

  • PromoAge Communication Agency: Places of Power (Retail & Consumer Services)
  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Retail & Consumer Services)
  • Zebra Hero: Police Cartoons (Non-profit)
  • Ruport: Kak tebe takoe, Elon Musk? (Leisure)
  • Voskhod: ANTYfest (Media / Entertainment)


Interactive: Instruments 

  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Websites)
  • Zebra Hero: Police Cartoons (Online Video & Viral Films)
  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Online Video & Viral Films)
  • getbob agency: Ad Blindness? Hacked! (Native Advertising)
  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Non-standard Advertising for non-profit)
  • Voskhod: Trip In The Dark (Websites)
  • Voskhod: ANTYfest (Websites)
  • RedMe: Online Game "Living by touch" (Websites)
  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Dich by Ivan Dorn) (Online Video & Viral Films)
  • RedMe: Online Game "Living by touch" (Game & Apps)
  • SETTERS: Virtual restaurant for endangered animals "Wild delivery" (Non-standard Advertising for non-profit)

Interactive: Technology 

  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Creative Use of Data & AI)
  • RT: Lessons Of Auschwitz: VR Tribute By School Students (New Realities)
  • BBDO Moscow: Open Source Pizza (Creative Use of Data & AI)

Interactive: Craft 

  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Best Music & Sound Design)


Excellence in Audio 

  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Dich by Ivan Dorn) (Best Original Song)
  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Best Original Song)
  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Best Sound Design)
  • Serviceplan Russia, Louder, Fancy State: Laundry Records (Best Original Music)
  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Best Sound Design)
  • Magic Camp: Life in the city continues at home (Best Sound Design)

Audio Medium 

  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Streaming / Downloadable Content)

Outdoor & Indoor 

Outdoor: Sectors

  • Ruport: Kak tebe takoe, Elon Musk? (Leisure)

Creative Use of Media 

Mixed Media 

  • Magic Camp креативная студия Яндекс Go: The Wrong Number

Single Media

  • Voskhod: ANTYfest

New Media

  • SETTERS: Virtual restaurant for endangered animals «Wild delivery»

Advertising Excellence 

  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads (Advertising Excellence/ commercial)
  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records (Advertising Excellence/ non-profit)
  • TUTKOVBUDKOV: FlyHome (Advertising Excellence/ non-profit)

Branded Content 

Branded Content for Non-profit Organisations

  • Zebra Hero: Police Cartoons 
  • Marvelous: The Choice

Digital Branded Content 

  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records 
  • Contrapunto: The Greatest Reads
  • BBDO Moscow: Snickers Crisper Fest
  • TBWA\Media Arts Lab London: Hermitage Shot on iPhone
  • Serviceplan Russia, Louder, Fancy State: Laundry Records
  • BBDO Moscow: Open Source Pizza

Creative Use of Content 

  • BBDO Moscow: Birds Records 
  • BBDO Moscow: Snickers Crisper Fest
  • TBWA\Media Arts Lab London: Hermitage Shot on iPhone
  • BBDO Moscow: Open Source Pizza

Best in Instagram

  • Panda Digital: Jagermeister Custom Labels
  • RT: The Endless Letter on Instagram Stories
  • DIDENOK TEAM celebrity agency: Movie series on Instagram

До финальных результатов проекта остались считанные дни. Победители и призеры будут объявлены в понедельник 14 декабря. Итоги будут размещены на официальном сайте Red Apple.