Categories and Requirements

Young Creators

The contest is held in cooperation with the international school of creativity mads. The contest accepts projects from young designers and creators - students of creative schools and universities. The main evaluation criteria are project execution and creative solution.

You can participate in the contest individually or as a team of up to 3 people. The age limit of the participants is up to 27 years old (inclusively)

Technical requirements:

Deadline for submission of works - September 20, 2024

Mandatory requirement - work is accepted in English

Work upload format:

1. Application form in English

- all fields of the application form must be filled in;

2. Algorithm of application for participation:

1. Download clients brief

2. Study the brief and get prepared for the project realization

3. Below is the application form to fill out

4. You may submit your work as a board or video case study. Read the technical requirements for the materials:


> in English

> image with key visual elements of the project and a description of the project

> PDF / JPG / PNG format

> with a width of at least 1772 pixels, resolution of at least 150 DPI)

> file size not exceeding 75 MB

Video case study:

> in English or with English subtitles;

> video link (YouTube or Vimeo), resolution of at least 720p (1080p preferred);

> the video should be no longer than 2 minutes.

To see examples of boards and video case studies, download the application form

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