Categories and Requirements


Works in this category are judged based on creativity and innovation within a communication. The work should expose the potential of media beyond existing formats to effectively communicate brands message. Judging criteria: 20% insight and idea; 20% media strategy and targeting; 30% media execution; 30% impact and results


Use of TV & other screens as a main channel of media campaign (including cinema, television, in-flight, showroom, exhibition, outdoor screens, etc.)

Entries in this category must demonstrate use of audio platforms as a main channel of media campaign (radio, podcasts and other audio technology)

Use of print and / or outdoor as a main channel of media campaign (including newspapers, magazines, inserts and trade journals, billboard or poster sites, bus shelters, transit advertising, etc.)

Use of ambient media as a main channel of media campaign (advertising in urban, inhabited or office environment, using objects of surrounding infrastructure as medium of marketing information for target audience)

Use of events and stunts including live shows, festivals, concerts, sporting events, guerrilla marketing, large and small scale stunts, one-off experiential events, etc.

Use of mobile technologies as a main channel of media campaign (smartphones, tablets, Bluetooth, SMS, MMS, WAP, GPS, mobile games and applications, QR codes, etc.) as well as mobile technologies, social media and blogs.

Entries in this category must demonstrate use of technology to execute or support a media campaign (artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, robotics, gadgets and electronics, wearable and interactive technology, etc.)

Entries in this category must demonstrate how a media campaign was enhanced or driven by data or using programmatic technologies

Use of "online to offline" technologies and visa versa (system that uses online digital strategies to bring foot traffic into physical outlets)

Effective campaign realization within several media channels

Entries in this category must demonstrate how new media is created or used in innovative way to solve business problems

This category will celebrate the very best in direct to consumer marketing for brands. Judges will be looking for a campaign that successfully promotes a product or service directly to the target audience by cutting-out traditional third-party retailers or any other intermediary channels. Judges will be looking to award a campaign that puts the target market at the centre of all activities and showcases innovation in order to drive value and build a strong customer experience

Campaigns that aired or ran using a single media channel

Best use of communication channels for chairty and non-profit organizations

Technical requirements:

To participate in the competition, works are accepted that were implemented by the agency and / or the advertiser (brand) in the period from January 1, 2023  to September 1, 2024, but have not participated in Red Apple before

Deadline for submission of works - September 20, 2024

Mandatory requirement - work is accepted in English

Work upload format:

1. Application in English

- all fields of the application are required;

2. Video case (required):

- in English or with English subtitles;

- a link to a video (YouTube or Vimeo), a resolution of at least 720p (preferably 1080p);

- video duration no more than 2 minutes;

3. Project URL 

4. PDF presentation (preferred):

- no more than 15 slides

- aspect ratio 16: 9

5. Presentation board (optional):

- an image with key visual elements of the project and its description, .jpg, .png file (with a width of at least 1772 pixels, a resolution of at least 150 DPI)

- file size no more than 75 MB

Attention! It is forbidden to place the logo or the name of the agency in the work, including in the link, the name of the channel on the video hosting or in the name of the file. Jobs violating this rule will be disqualified.

Access to the material uploaded by the participants has: the organizing committee and members of the Jury.

A fragment of the video case can be used (can be displayed on the screen) during the award ceremony.