Red Apple announces early call for entries at first day of summer

Red Apple announces early call for entries at first day of summer

The most prestigious Russian advertising festival opens the submission of works only for a month for early birds. The whole June participants can enter their works with a discount coming up to 25%. The festival will take place on 7-8 December 2017 and already prepares many interesting surprises for its guests.

Red Apple unites inspiriting ideas, creative people, advertising works from different parts of the world and impressive jury, consisting of the most talented and awarded persons of the world creative industry. Winning the festival gives 5 points in ACAR Creativity Rate and is highly estimated by the professional community.

The official submission of works starts on the 1 August and prolongs until 20 October. The 10% discount will operate for agencies-members of ACAR, RAMS, IAB, NAASI, IN+OUT, ABCR, AIA and ACMA.  Two weeks before the deadline there will be 15% mark-up and all other discounts will be invalid. The deadline will have no prolongation.

An opportunity to get the award is granted for all works, that were fulfilled during the period from the 1 July 2016 till 20 October 2017 without participating in the competition earlier.

Works can be submitted in one of 18 categories:

“Innovative advertising”

“Digital advertising (interactive tools)”

“Digital advertising (campaigns)”

 “Media projects”

“Advertising campaigns”

“TV and cinema advertising”

“TV and cinema advertising (craft)”

“Creative effectiveness”

“Promo campaigns”

 “Indoor advertising”

“Radio advertising”

“Outdoor advertising”

“Print advertising (craft)”

“Print advertising”

 “Label and Packaging”

“Communication design”

 “DM-materials and souvenirs”

 “Social advertising”

For more information about categories and requirements please click on this link – or call 8-495-783-65-39

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