Red Apple will take place at Digital October on 16-17 February 2017

27 October 2016
Red Apple will take place at Digital October on 16-17 February 2017

Entries deadline is 23 December 2016. Basic price will last till the end of autumn.

In the middle of February International festival of advertising will open its doors at Digital October and surprise guests with a new creative program.

This year entries deadline is 23 December 2016. After that, submission will be closed without any prolongation. From the 1st of December  there will be 15% mark-up, and the discount for member of ACAR, RAMS, IAB Russia, NAASI, In+OUT, ACMA, AIA will be invalid.  

Annual festival Red Apple consolidates at one place the delegates of creative industries, trendsetters and reinventors of advertising business and all creative world together. Red Apple unites best works from the whole world, that are to be judged by the international jury, consisting of the brightest global сreators, winners of hundreds Lions and other honored awards.