Шорт-листы 2021: Red Apple объявляет претендентов на награды!

18 Октября 2021
Шорт-листы 2021: Red Apple объявляет претендентов на награды!

На минувшей неделе завершилось конкурсное судейство фестиваля. Члены жюри оценивали работы участников по трем основным направлениям: Creative, Media и Marketing. В этом сезоне на каждое направление конкурса было выделено по две судейских группы. В международный состав жюри вошли более 80 экспертов мировой индустрии: жюри Red Apple 2021 стало самым масштабным за всю историю фестиваля. 

Также в программу конкурса уже по традиции была включена специальная номинация Best in Instagram. Для этого направления был сформирован отдельный блок жюри, в состав которого вошли официальные представители Facebook и Instagram. Голосование в блоке Best in Instagram состоится на этой неделе. 

Результаты Московского международного фестиваля рекламы Red Apple 2021 будут объявлены 3 ноября на вечеринке с награждением. Также Red Apple ждет гостей на фестивальной программе в Москве на площадке Старт Хаб.

Следующие участники и кейсы стали номинантами на призовые места и Гран-При направлений:


Advertising Excellence

  • Havas Creative Group Russia, Novartis, Diagnostics in Fashion (Advertising Excellence / non-profit)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, Sber, George from 1973 (Advertising Excellence / commercial)  
  • Mozga Studio, Enjoyable Ageing Charity Foundation, Disappearing Stories  (Advertising Excellence / non-profit)
  • serviceplan, Miele CIS, Miele Laundry Records (Advertising Excellence / commercial)


  • BBDO Moscow, PJSC MTS, From lawyers with law (Audio Medium, Radio)
  • serviceplan, Miele CIS, Miele Laundry Records (Excellence in Audio, Best Audio Branding)

Branded Content

  • Marvelous, Avon, I don't buy it (Branded Content for Non-profit Organisations) 
  • Mozga Studio, Enjoyable Ageing Charity Foundation, Disappearing Stories  (Branded Content for Non-profit Organisations)
  • Optimist Estonia, Estonian Sexual Health Association, 14 is not OK (Branded Content for Non-profit Organisations)
  • RT Creative Lab, RT, #VictoryPages: Social Media History (Digital Branded Content)
  • SOCIALIST, Vivienne Sabó, Vivienne Sabó is changing views (Branded Content)
  • Voskhod, Russian LGBT+ Network, We Will Become Better (Branded Content for Non-profit Organisations)  

Creative Use of Media

  • Havas Creative Group Russia, Novartis, Diagnostics in Fashion (Single Media) 
  • Mosaic, MTS, MTS Live XR (New Media)
  • Mozga Studio, Enjoyable Ageing Charity Foundation, Disappearing Stories    (Single Media)
  • RT Creative Lab, RT, #VictoryPages: Social Media History (Mixed Media)
  • Voskhod, Ural Opera Ballet, Beer Ballet (New Media)
  • Wavemaker, Beiersdorf AG / NIVEA MEN, ULTRA SKILL donations  (New Media)   


  • Amoth Studio, St. Nicolaus, The Treasure of Zbojniks (Label and Packaging,  Drinks)
  • Depot branding agency, Atlas Group, Ocard (Label and Packaging, Drinks)
  • Depot branding agency, Dubrovkamoloko LCC, Maslom Vverkh (Label and Packaging, Food Products)
  • LINII, Wordshop, Wordshop rebranding (Communication Design, Corporate Identity)
  • Pocket Rocket Agency, Itrex, Itrex. Hungry for challenges (Communication Design, Corporate Identity)
  • Pocket Rocket Agency, WANNA, WANNA. Fashion ARketing (Communication Design, Corporate Identity)
  • RT Creative Lab, RT, The Endless Letter: Web Experience (Communication Design, Data Visualisation)
  • serviceplan, Miele CIS, Shot on a Miele Oven (Print Advertising Craft, Print Advertising Craft)
  • Suprematika, Bushe, Liberte (Label and Packaging, Drinks)
  • Suprematika, Cardinal&Margo, Cardinal&Margo (Communication Design, Corporate Identity)
  • The Clients, Unlimint, Unlimint (CARDPAY REBRANDING) (Communication Design, Corporate identity)
  • Voskhod, Uralskaya farming company, Seven Brothers (Label and Packaging, Food Products)


  • emg, Charitable organization Vblagodarnost, Dolphin — Eternal stream (TV / Cinema Advertising: sectors, Non-profit film)
  • GREAT, "Utkonos" online, ANDTHISANDTHATNOS (TV / Cinema Advertising:  sectors, Retail & Consumer Services)
  • Instinct, IKEA Russia, Food Waste Apocalypsis (TV / Cinema Advertising Craft, Best Direction)
  • Instinct, IKEA Russia, Food Waste Apocalypsis (TV / Cinema Advertising:  sectors, Consumer Durables)
  • Instinct, IKEA Russia, Food Waste Apocalypsis (TV / Cinema Advertising:  sectors, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR))
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, DomClick Sber, Memories (TV / Cinema Advertising Craft, Best Direction)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, DomClick Sber, Memories (TV / Cinema Advertising Craft, Best Music)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, DomClick Sber, Memories (TV / Cinema Advertising:  sectors, Retail & Consumer Services)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, Sber, George from 1973  (TV / Cinema Advertising:  sectors, Retail & Consumer Services)
  • Mozga Studio, Enjoyable Ageing Charity Foundation, Disappearing Stories  (TV / Cinema Advertising Craft, Best Direction)
  • Mozga Studio, Enjoyable Ageing Charity Foundation, Disappearing Stories  (TV / Cinema Advertising: sectors, Non-profit film)
  • Voskhod, Russian LGBT+ Network, We Will Become Better (TV / Cinema Advertising Craft, Best Direction)
  • Voskhod, Russian LGBT+ Network, We Will Become Better (TV / Cinema Advertising Craft, Best Music) 
  • Voskhod, Russian LGBT+ Network, We Will Become Better (TV / Cinema Advertising Craft, Best Script)
  • Voskhod, Russian LGBT+ Network, We Will Become Better (TV / Cinema Advertising:  sectors, Non-profit film)
  • Voskhod, Tochka Bank, Do What Only You Can Do (TV / Cinema Advertising Craft,  Best Direction) 
  • Zebra Hero, KION, Stories that surprise (TV / Cinema Advertising:  sectors, Media / Entertainment)


  • Золотые тигры России, Internal project, ZHEK-art (Interactive: Craft, Best Digital Design & Illustration)
  • Articul, PSO Liza Alert, Hope to Wear (Interactive: Instruments, Non-standard Advertising for non-profit)
  • DDB Russia, Kaspersky, «Cyber Spa» (Interactive: Craft, Best UX & Functionality)
  • DDB Russia, Kaspersky, «Cyber Spa» (Interactive: Instruments, Websites)
  • Havas Creative Group Russia, Novartis, Diagnostics in Fashion (Interactive: Instruments, Native Advertising)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, McDonald's, Truly Unskippable Preroll (Interactive: Instruments, Online Video & Viral Films)
  • Mosaic, MTS, MTS 27 anniversary (Interactive: Craft, Best Animation & Motion Graphics)
  • Mozga Studio, Enjoyable Ageing Charity Foundation, Disappearing Stories (Interactive: Instruments, Non-standard Advertising for non-profit)
  • Mozga Studio, Enjoyable Ageing Charity Foundation, Disappearing Stories  (Interactive: Instruments, Online Video & Viral Films)
  • Picturer, Gazprom Neft, The world's first press release as an NFT (Interactive: Technology, Creative Use of Technology)
  • RT Creative Lab, RT, The Endless Letter: Web Experience  (Interactive: Craft, Best Digital Design & Illustration)
  • RT Creative Lab, RT, The Endless Letter: Web Experience (Interactive: Craft, Best UX & Functionality)
  • SOCIALIST, Vivienne Sabó, Vivienne Sabó is changing views (Interactive: Instruments, Online Video & Viral Films)
  • VMLY&R Commerce, Tele2, ScateCam (Interactive: Technology, New Realities)
  • Yandex Creative Studio "7.47", Yandex, Poetry All Around (Interactive: Technology, Creative Use of Data & AI)
  • Yandex Creative Studio "7.47", Yandex, Poetry All Around (Interactive: Technology, Creative Use of Technology)
  • Yandex Creative Studio "7.47", Yandex, Poetry All Around (Interactive: Instruments, Mobile)
  • Yandex Creative Studio "7.47", Yandex, Poetry All Around (Interactive: Technology, New Realities)
  • Yandex Creative Studio "7.47", Yandex, Sounds Easy (Interactive: Instruments, Game & Apps)
  • Yandex Creative Studio "7.47", Yandex, Sounds Easy (Interactive: Instruments, Mobile)
  • Yandex Creative Studio "7.47", Yandex, Self-Isolation Index (Interactive: Technology, Creative Use of Data & AI)
  • Yandex Creative Studio "7.47", Yandex, Sounds Easy (Interactive: Technology, Creative Use of Data & AI)
  • Yandex Creative Studio "7.47", Yandex, Sounds Easy (Interactive: Technology, Creative Use of Technology)
  • Zebra Hero, KION, Stories that surprise (Interactive: Instruments, Online video)

Outdoor & Indoor

  • VMLY&R Commerce, Tele2, ScateCam Creative (Outdoor: Sectors, Leisure)

Social & Influencer

  • Adventum, Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation, #Staywithme  (Social & Influencer: Sectors, SMM Non-profit)
  • Friends Moscow, Levi's, OnTheInside (Influencer and Content Marketing, Partnerships)
  • Friends Moscow, Levi's, OnTheInside (Social & Influencer: Sectors, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Corporate Image)
  • Marvelous, Avon, I don't buy it (Influencer and Content Marketing, Partnerships)
  • Mozga Studio, Enjoyable Ageing Charity Foundation, Disappearing Stories  (Influencer and Content Marketing, Social Video)
  • Mozga Studio, Enjoyable Ageing Charity Foundation, Disappearing Stories  (Social & Influencer: Sectors, SMM Non-profit)
  • Optimist Estonia, Estonian Sexual Health Association, 14 is not OK (Influencer and Content Marketing, Local / Single-market Campaign)
  • Optimist Estonia, Estonian Sexual Health Association, 14 is not OK (Social & Influencer: Sectors, Healthcare)
  • Red Pepper, Помощь и Перекрёсток, Come to help: Pomoshch and Perekrestok (Influencer and Content Marketing, Partnerships)
  • Red Pepper, Помощь и Перекрёсток, Come to help: Pomoshch and Perekrestok (Influencer and Content Marketing, Reach & Impact)
  • RT Creative Lab, RT, #VictoryPages: Social Media History (Social & Influencer: Sectors, Media & Entertainment)
  • serviceplan, Miele CIS, Miele Laundry Records (Social & Influencer: Sectors, Consumer Durables)
  • SOCIALIST, Vivienne Sabó, Vivienne Sabó is changing views (Influencer and Content Marketing, Social Video)



  • Atomstroykompleks, ЧÖ ural public art fest (Use of Ambient Media)
  • Goose Gaming (ГУС ГЕЙМИНГ), Unilever / AXE ASAD, AXE Collision Games  (Use of Media Innovation)
  • Goose Gaming (ГУС ГЕЙМИНГ), Unilever / AXE ASAD, AXE Collision Games  (Use of Social Platforms)
  • OMD Media Direction, HASBRO, Double Transformation (Use of AdTechnology/MarkTechnology)
  • OMD Media Direction, HASBRO, Double Transformation (Use of Digital)
  • OMD Media Direction; Mindshare, Volvo, 30000 test-drives like never before  (Use of Digital)
  • OMD Media Direction; Mindshare, Volvo, 30000 test-drives like never before  (Use of O2O)
  • OMD Media Direction, Otkrytie; National Media Group; EVEREST,    #not_insignificant (Use of Screens)
  • Rabbit & Carrot, Ferrero / Tic Tac, RefreshMusicTicTac (Use of Audio Platforms)
  • Re:evolution, Vblagodarnost, Dolphin - Eternal stream (Use of Digital)
  • RT Creative Lab, RT, #VictoryPages: Social Media History (Use of Social Platforms)
  • Wavemaker, Beiersdorf AG / NIVEA MEN, ULTRA SKILL donations (Use of Media Innovation)
  • Yandex Magic Camp, Yandex Go, Content Warning: No Seatbelts (Use of Screens)


  • Mindshare; КБ-12, Kimberly Clark, Huggies; Skillbox, "First hugs" - online school for parents (Best Branded Content)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, Sber, George from 1973 (Best Influencer Campaign)
  • RT Creative Lab, RT, #VictoryPages: Social Media History (Best Branded Content)
  • SOCIALIST, Vivienne Sabó, Vivienne Sabó is changing views (Best Branded Content)

Excellence in media

  • Havas Media, HYUNDAI, Automatic Katya (Use of Integrated Media)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, Sber, George from 1973 (Use of Integrated Media)
  • MediaCom, Multon / Dobry, Growing Kindness (Impact Award)
  • Mindshare & Mail.ru Group Innovation Department, Kimberly Clark, Kotex, Kotex sisterhood  (Long-term Success)
  • OMD Media Direction; Mindshare, Volvo, 30000 test-drives like never before  (Excellence in Media Insights & Strategy)
  • OMD Media Direction, Otkrytie; National Media Group; EVEREST, #not_insignificant  (Impact Award)


  • Mindshare; КБ-12, Kimberly Clark, Huggies; Skillbox, "First hugs" - online school for parents (Collaboration)
  • OMD Media Direction, HASBRO, Double Transformation (Consumer Durables)
  • OMD Media Direction; Mindshare, Volvo, 30000 test-drives like never before  (Automotive)
  • Yandex Magic Camp, Yandex Go, Content Warning: No Seatbelts (Automotive)
  • OMD Media Direction, Otkrytie; National Media Group; EVEREST,    #not_insignificant  (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR))
  • Red Pepper, Помощь и Перекрёсток, Come to help: Pomoshch and Perekrestok  (Non-profit)



  • КБ-12, Adrenaline Rush, «Yes, I need it all!» (Best Integrated Campaign)
  • КБ-12, Mindshare; Kimberly Clark, Huggies; Skillbox, «First hugs» — online school for parents (Best Brand Loyalty Campaign)
  • Adventum, Association of Organizations and Citizens for the Humane Treatment of Animals "Animal Welfare", #Grechkasharing (Best Non-profit Campaign)
  • DPG Russia, Dodo Pizza, 10th anniversary of Dodo Pizza (Best Sales Promotion Campaign)
  • emg, Charitable organization Vblagodarnost, Dolphin — Eternal stream  (Best Non-profit Campaign)
  • Marvelous, Avon, I don't buy it (Best Non-profit Campaign) 
  • “Red Line” (Red Communication Group), Retail chain “Perekrestok”, Reborn. Second life of plastic (Best Event Marketing Campaign (Including Sponsorship))
  • Ruport, G8 Аwards, Someone is trying to transfer $10 off from your account! (Best Direct Marketing Campaign / CRM) 

Campaigns: sectors

  • КБ-12, Adrenaline Rush, «Yes, I need it all!» (Food & Drink)
  • КБ-12, Mindshare; Kimberly Clark, Huggies; Skillbox, «First hugs» — online school for parents (Other FMCG)
  • emg, Charitable organization Vblagodarnost, Dolphin — Eternal stream  (Non-profit)
  • Instinct, IKEA Russia, Food Waste Apocalypsis (Consumer Durables)
  • Kolyshev C&D, SOS Children's Villages, Talking objects (Non-profit)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, Sber, George from 1973 (Retail & Consumer Services) 
  • Marvelous, Avon, I don't buy it (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Corporate Image)
  • Optimist Estonia, Estonian Sexual Health Association, 14 is not OK (Non-profit)
  • TUTKOVBUDKOV, S7 Airlines, FlyHome (Travel)

Creative effectiveness

  • КБ-12, Adrenaline Rush, «Yes, I need it all!» (Creative Effectiveness)
  • BALAGAN, SberSpasibo, DROP is a limited collection of interior design items for bonuses from Russian designers for SberSpasibo (Creative Effectiveness)
  • DDB Russia, Volkswagen, How Volkswagen Tiguan helped Russian drivers to fall in love with winter  (Creative Effectiveness)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, Sber, George from 1973  (Creative Effectiveness)
  • Optimist Estonia, Estonian Sexual Health Association, 14 is not OK  (Creative Effectiveness)
  • SOCIALIST, Vivienne Sabó, Vivienne Sabó is changing views (Creative Effectiveness)

Digital campaigns

  • КБ-12, Mindshare; Kimberly Clark, Huggies; Skillbox, «First hugs» — online school for parents (Digital Strategy)
  • КБ-12, Adrenaline Rush, «Yes, I need it all!» (Digital Strategy)
  • emg, Charitable organization Vblagodarnost, Dolphin — Eternal stream  (Digital Campaigns)
  • Optimist Estonia, Estonian Sexual Health Association, 14 is not OK  (Online Guerrilla & Innovation)
  • TUTKOVBUDKOV, S7 Airlines, FlyHome (Digital Campaigns)
  • Wavemaker, Beiersdorf AG / NIVEA MEN, ULTRA SKILL donations  (Online Guerrilla & Innovation)
  • Wavemaker, Beiersdorf AG / NIVEA MEN, ULTRA SKILL donations (Experience Marketing)

Marketing Discipline

  • BALAGAN, SberSpasibo, DROP is a limited collection of interior design items for bonuses from Russian designers for SberSpasibo (Best Use of In-store Materials and Installations) 
  • emg, Charitable organization Vblagodarnost, Dolphin — Eternal stream (Best Use of Public Relations) 
  • emg, Charitable organization Vblagodarnost, Dolphin — Eternal stream (Influencers)
  • GREAT, Heineken, Beer can shout for your team: how "Stepan Razin" helped fans be with the team (Best Use of Branding and Design)
  • Kolyshev C&D, SOS Children's Villages, Talking objects (Best Use of Event)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, Sber, George from 1973 (Best Use of Innovative Technologies)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, Sber, George from 1973 (Influencers)
  • Leo Burnett Moscow, Sber, George from 1973 (Best Use of Public Relations)
  • MAIL.RU Group, Kimberly Clark / Kotex, SOS Button (Best Use of Digital Tools)
  • Optimist Estonia, Estonian Sexual Health Association, 14 is not OK (Best Use of Public Relations)
  • “Red Line” (Red Communication Group), Retail chain “Perekrestok”, Reborn. Second life of plastic (Best Use of Event)
  • Ruport, G8 Аwards, Someone is trying to transfer $10 off from your account! (Best Use of Direct Tools)
  • SEVEN, Pepsico / Agusha, Agusha. Tales for a walk (Best Use of Sales Promo)
  • Wavemaker, Beiersdorf AG / NIVEA MEN, ULTRA SKILL donations (Best Use of Digital Tools Including Mobile)